Baronial Officers
Baron:John fitz Thomas
Baroness: Janna von Guggisberg

Seneschal: Chief executive officer of the group, like a club president. The officer in charge of and legally responsible for the branch as a whole.
Seneschal: Ose Silverhair
Emergency Deputy Seneschal Joel Messerer

Snowflake Pursuivant: The Baronial Herald, the officer in charge of assisting members design and register period styled names, devices, and badges. Herald can also be the title used to refer to a person making announcements or running a baronial, or other level, court.
Pursuivant: Lady Marjorie Parmentar

Chatelaine: The officer in charge of helping potential new members understand what the SCA is and what it’s about.
Chatelaine: Phaedra Kenz-el Khafi
Deputy Chatelaine: Rhys Aiden Bifjord

Chronicler: The officer in charge of publishing a group newsletter. Sometimes the Chronicler also acts as a group historian or Archivist.
Chronicler: Lady Judith le Alefondere

Web Minister: The officer in charge of publishing, updating and maintaining the Baronial web page based on policies set forth by the East Kingdom Web Minister and East Kingdom Law and Policy.
Web Minister: Lord Lucien ‘Roy’ de Basillon he/him
Deputy Web Minister: Baron Rhys Aiden Bifjord
Social Media Officer: Kelsi MacPharlane she/her

Historian: The officer in charge of tracking the history of the Barony.
Historian: THL John Kelton of Greyhorn

Minister of Arts and Sciences: The officer in charge of fostering the study of arts and sciences of the period. There are several groups, sometimes called guilds, within the Barony that specialize in various arts, such as brewing, singing, dance, etc.
A&S Minister: Irene von Lassan
Deputy A&S Minister: Vacant

Knight Marshal: The officer in charge of teaching and overseeing the activity of armored combat used in medieval tourney re-creation.
Knight Marshal : Master Robert Tytes
Company Captain of Archers: Gwydion ap Griff

Marshal of Fence: The officer in charge of teaching and overseeing the activity of fencing.
Marshal of Fence: Lady Brigid nyn Thomas O’Neil
Deputy Marshal of Fence: Ulfrun Isolfrdottir

Captain of Thrown Weapons: The officer in charge of teaching and overseeing the activity of thrown weapons.
Captain of Thrown Weapons: Vacant
Deputy Captain of Thrown Weapons: Vacant

Chancellor of the Exchequer: The chief financial officer, in charge of managing, recording, and filing reports to the appropriate higher officers.
Chancellor of the Exchequer: Lady Jaquelinne Sauvageon
Clerk of Reservations: Richard de Troyes

Minister of Lists: The officer in charge of keeping records of authorizations for fighters and assisting the Knight Marshal in the running of tournaments.
Minister of Lists: Master Yin Jinyu

Chancellor Minor: Coordinates activities for children and adults with children at events.
Chancellor Minor: Alfonso Pontelli

Chamberlain: Stores and maintains Baronial Regalia
Chamberlain: Baron Rhys Aiden Bifjord
Financial Committee: Includes Seneschal, Baron and Baroness, Exchequer, THL Ruth Baraskaya, and THL Judith le Alefondere