First Baron And Baroness Concordia:
Baron Eofn ap Erwyn Pen Caer Eiry Mynnydd
Invested 18 October 1980, A.S. XV
Baroness Morwydd Fyngwen
Invested 12 November 1983, A.S XVIII
Second Baron And Baroness:
Baron Master George Emerson True
Baroness Mistress eLeri of Nefyn
Invested 12 November, A.S. XXIX
Third Baron And Baroness:
Baron Master Baltsar Mondragon
Baroness Mistress Lucia Francesca de Valencia
21 November A.S. XXXIII
Fourth Baron And Baroness:
Baron Master Angus Kerr
Invested 11 November A.S. XLI
Baroness Laurencia of Carlisle
(Abdicated office)
Fifth Baron:
Baron Pierre de Tours
Invested 13 November A.S. XVL
Sixth Baron and Baroness:
Baron Jean-Paul DuCasse
Baroness Lylie of Penhyll
Invested 8 November A.S. XIXL
Current Baron and Baroness:
Baron Faolán an Sccreccain
Baronin Maria von Ossenheim
Invested 27 October A.S. LIII
History of Concordia
The Baronial History is currently being researched, as more information becomes available it will be posted. If you have any details you feel should be added please let me know.
In Service,
The Early Days
Concordia was formed at Union College in the mid 70’s by Algernon Hartesmonde, who later became a baron of the court. The shire met in Old Chapel at Union College for years after it was no longer a student-based group. Concordia’s first high-profile event was called “King James Gets His.” By 1978, the only Union College students left in Concordia were Catherine of Amesbury and Loric the Serf. Schalmiraine was one of the early non-student members, and although she was not active for very long, her activity, recruiting of other non-students, and her out-of-shire traveling helped Concordia survive the transition period when Algernon left the area. Eofn ap Erwyn pen Caer Eiry Mynnydd became the seneschal, and steered the shire on the course that brought it to becoming a Barony.
From Shire to Barony
After years of fighting inactivity in the shire, Wulf Darkstalker became the first Concordian to qualify to fight with heavy weapons. Wulf first tried fighting at a small Concordian event called the Beardslee Manor Revel. He qualified at the next event in the Barony of the Bridge, Tolkien tourney.
Wulf became Concordia’s first Knight Marshall. During this period, Concordians began traveling to out-of-shire events much more. The shire’s first appearance at the Pennsic War was at Pennsic VIII, camping on the far side of what is now known as `Horde Hill’. Approximately one dozen Concordians attended. The second Knigth Marshall was Konrad Lochner followed by Yvan Wolvesbane, Cedric of Amorica, Koga Yoshitsune, Baltasar Mondragon and Angus Kerr.
After several years of small events that drew mostly locals and close friends, Garth Fairchild and Wulf served as autocrats for an event that was very large by Concordian standards of the time, and not small by kingdom standards. It was called The Lonely Hearts Tourney and Springtime Bacchanalia; 75 people from New York, New England and Virginia attended. The reigning king, Seanan an Chassur (known as Setanta), made an appearance. Unfortunately he got lost on the way and missed the tourney. About twenty people fought in the tourney. Shortly thereafter, Eofn formed Concordia’s first shire award, the Order of the Silver Snowflake (now closed). The companions of the order at the time of its closing were: Wulf Darkstalker, Garth Fairchild, Eofn ap Erwyn, Catherine of Amesbury, Alys of Linnencorre, Julia de la Cite, and Teragram of Carker.
Bigger events were becoming the norm, and two new ones were added to the schedule: A Ceilidh To Drive Away Weariness, and Chrystal Snowflake Ball. Two days before the Ceilidh, a Concordian named Bjorn passed away, the first Concordian to thus depart. The event was held in his honor. It has ever after born the name Bjorn’s Ceilidh.
During the reign of Gavin and Tamara, Alys served as autocrat for the largest event Concordia had ever hosted, The Cupid’s Bow Tourney. Cupid’s Bow featured the King’s and Queen’s Champion Tourney. Sir Hasdrubal became the King’s Champion and Sir Mago became the Queen’s Champion.
Concordia was elevated from Shire to Barony, in the Barony of Tir-y-Don. (at the thime Tir-y-Don was part of the East Kingdom.) Of those Concordians who were there when the shire became a Barony, the following are still active locally: Garth (now known as Toki), Yvan, Moriah, and Morwydd.
In 1977, Eofn ap Erwyn was the Seneschal of the Shire of Concordia of the Snows.
One of the first major shire events was run by Pelnatoki Redbeard (formerly known as Garth) now known as Toki.
The First Baron and Baroness Concordia:
Eofn ap Erwyn
Invested by Gavin, Rex and Tamara, Regina at Tir-y-Don 10/18/80
Morwydd Fyngwen
Invested by Victor, Rex and Sedalia, Regina11/12/83
The Second Baron and Baroness of Concordia:
G. Emerson True and eLeri of Nefyn
Concordia’s second Baron and Baroness were invested at the Barony’s celebration of Bjorn’s Ceilidh, November, A.S. XXIX.
(1994), by Her Majesty of the East in the reign of Gregor and Christence.
The Third Baron and Baroness of Concordia
Invested 11/21/98
Baltasar Mondragon (Munenaga Soiichiro) and Lucia Francesca de Valencia
Concordia’s Third Baron and Baroness were invested at the Barony’s celebration of Bjorn’s Ceilidh, November, AS XXXIII
by the hands of Their Majesties Brion and Anna.
The Fourth Baron and Baroness of Concordia:
Invested 11/11/06
Angus Kerr and Laurencia of Carlisle
Concordia’s fourth Baron and Baroness were invested at the Barony’s celebration of Bjorn’s Ceilidh
November A.S. XLI
by the hands of Their Majesties Lucan and Yana
The Fifth Baron of Concordia:
Invested 11/13/10
Pierre de Tours
Concordia’s fifth Baron was invested at the Barony’s celebration of Bjorn’s Ceilidh
November A.S. XLV
by the hands of Their Majesties Gryffith and Aikaterine
The Sixth Baron and Baroness of Concordia:
Invested 11/8/14
Jean-Paul DuCasse and Lylie of Penhyll
Concordia’s sixth Baron and Baroness were invested at the Barony’s celebration of Bjorn’s Ceilidh
November A.S. XIXL
by the hands of Their Majesties Edward Grey of Lochleven and Thyra Eiriksdottir
The Current Baron and Baroness of Concordia:
Invested 10/27/18
Faolán an Sccreccain and Maria Erika von Ossenheim
Concordia’s Seventh Baron and Baroness were invested at the Barony’s celebration of Bjorn’s Ceilidh
November A.S. XIXL
by the hands of Their Majesties Wilhelm von Ostenbrücke and Vienna de la Mer Pictorial History of Concordia
Link to photos and documents of Concordia and it’s members.
(Off site link)
Our Major Events:
Wars of the Roses History as recalled by Toki Redbeard and G. Emerson True
Wars of the Roses Part 2 was born out of an original Concordian event called Cupid’s Bow that was a tourney event held on a local football field. By its third year, it was the largest tourney held by the Barony with fighters from Ostgardr to the Rhydderich Hael (House Elandris) joining in. Using this large fighting event as a base, Countess Tamara fitz Gloucester of the White Boar used this event to build the event we know today. The first Wars of the Roses held in Concordia was, naturally, Wars of the Roses Part 2 as obviously none of us attended the first Wars of the Roses in England! The first five years of War of the Roses were held at the Robbin’s farm in Sheffield (Great Barrington), Massachusetts. That area of Great Barrington was then part of the Barony. Tamara was a friend of Madeline Robbins and her parents’ land in Sheffield MA was the first site. More than 200 people attended. The site was simply a large sloping open field bordered at one end by the Hoosatonic River. Porta Johns and dumpsters had to be brought in and the only water available on site was from the Robbin’s home across the street where they allowed the SCA to use their outside spigot and garden hose. After five years, the event outgrew the fields and the event was moved to Frosty Acres Campground near Mariaville, New York. The event was held in one section of this large modern campground. The site provided some amenities we’d never had before (eg. multiple water spigots, flush toilets, hot showers, and a kitchen) Despite these new amenities, there were still a number of issues with the site (including safety) that forced the Barony to look for a new location. A Baronial member was working at a private farm site up the road, Indian Lookout Country Club, and spoke with the owner about allowing us to have the event at his site. His site was well known as a location of a large Harley-Davidson rendezvous event. He was happy to have us as he understood what it was like to try and find a site for a group that the public might not easily accept. Our event moved to that site for the next 28 years. Though the SCA did have a good relationship with the site, and it’s multiple owners, after so many years the site was unable to keep up with our requests. What originally seemed like great amenities at one time were becoming less so. The weather at the site was always unpredictable and the Barony knew it needed to move to a new location. Through an agreement with the Shire of Glenn Linn a new site was found at the Schaghticoke Fairgrounds, Rensselaer County NY. At this site Wars of the Roses was able to expand into a much larger area and eventually the site was even used for the East Kingdom 50-year celebration.
A banner was made by Lady Alicia Megan de Montmingelle on which red or white roses have been applied to signify the winner of each war.
Traditionally, the war points included the Tournament of Roses, the Battle of Bosworth and an Archery competition.
In later years, autocrats added more war points with historical battles (Battle of Townton (town battle), etc.
Eventually, war points included non-combat points so that more participants could join in the war effort (Arts/Sciences, brewing, and shopping)
1982-1986 Wars of the Roses II-VI Robbin’s farm, Sheffield, MA along the Housatonic River
1987-1988 Wars of the Roses VII-VIII Frosty Acres Campground Schenectady, NY
1989-2016 Wars of the Roses IX- XXXV Indian Lookout Counry Club, Pattersonville, NY
2017- present Wars of the Roses XXXVI-XXXVIII Schaghticoke Fairgrounds, Schaghticoke, NY
2020 Cancel due to pandemic
2021 Wars of the Roses XXXIX Virtual – via the web
2022 Wars of the Roses XL
Bjorn’s Ceilidh History as recalled by Toki Redbeard and G. Emerson True
In early November 1980 The Shire of Concordia of the Snows was getting ready to host a new event called “A Ceilidh To Drive Away Weariness.” The hall was to be filled with music, dancing, and a feast. Unfortunately, in the days just before the event, a Concordian–a man named Bjorn–was murdered. The Barony was shocked, and grieving, and didn’t know what to do. Thoughts about canceling the event were considered, but someone asked the question, “What would Bjorn want us to do?” The answer was simple; the event would be held.
Obviously, it wasn’t the celebration that had been planned, but the Shire members were together. The following year the event was renamed Bjorn’s Ceilidh in his memory. With each passing Bjorn’s Ceilidh, the Barony remembers those who have gone before. Annually, at the feast, the oldest living Concordian present offers the “Bjorn’s Toast”, which is given even before the toast to Their Majesties. With this toast the Barony remembers all those who have passed. We speak the names of those who have died in the last year. When we toast Bjorn, we toast them all.
In subsequent years, under Baroness Morwydd, the Baronial ceremony of “Need-Fire” was added to the feast. In the traditions of the Celtic festival of Samhain (SOW-han), the old fires (candles) of the populace were all extinguished and a new flame was ignited by the leader of the tribe (Baron/Baroness of the Barony). This new flame was brought from round house to round house (table to table) to relight the extinguished fires (candles) to begin the year with a clean, new fire. For this reason, Bjorn’s Ceilidh has become the celebration of the New Year of Concordia of the Snows.
A few traditional games have been played at Ceilidh for many years. Early on, arm wrestling for both men and women became very popular. (For the record, Concordia has some very strong women!) Lord G. Emerson True autorcrated the event one year and decided to bring some traditional highland games; caber toss, sheaf toss, stone, and haggis tossing. On the day of the event, Emerson brought a pitch fork to stab the sheaf with and a bar to toss it up over. Much to his surprise, the person in charge of the games misheard the word “sheaf” and brought a life-size stuffed sheep to be tossed instead. No sheep (live or stuffed) were harmed at this Ceilidh. While the caber and stones were only suited for outdoors, the sheep and haggis tosses still continue at indoor sites much to the delight of the Barony.
As Ceilidh has been one of the longest running annual events, and being a celebration that included a ceremony of leaving behind the old and welcoming the new, it was a natural fit for the Investiture of new Barons and Baronesses. To this day, it continues to be the traditional event for all Baronial Investitures.
As described above, Ceilidh has for more than four decades been steeped in Baronial traditions and celebrations. It is therefore not surprising that Concordians, both past and present, see this event as an annual homecoming. In spite of a rough start, Ceilidh has grown into the celebration it was originally conceived to be; a day of nostalgia, fellowship, games, laughter, and a celebration of all that the Barony is.