We are a local Barony located within the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA, which is an international non-profit organization dedicated to re-creating the best of the Medieval and Renaissance eras.
Members study and enjoy the arts and sciences, such as history, culture, music, dance, mock combat, archery, armouring, heraldry, embroidery, costuming, calligraphy, food and drink, and more.
If this sounds interesting to you, you are welcome to join us! For more information please visit our Newcomers Page or contact our Chatelaine, chatelaine@concordia.eastkingdom.org

Upcoming Events
All East Kingdom Events (Offsite Link)Snowflake:
Our official monthly baronial newsletter. The Snowflake (External Link) Apply for group membership in order to subscribe. Business Meetings
*Currently held online due to Covid*To request the link for upcoming meetings please email: seneschal@concordia.eastkingdom.org or visit our google group here: Concordia Google Group
First Wednesday of the Month, usually from 6:00 – 7:45 pm. Please visit the Meetings Page for more details.
Introduce yourself to us! Regular communication and updates are currently being posted through our Google Group

Our official monthly baronial newsletter, The Snowflake (External Link)
Apply for membership in order to subscribe.
Business Meetings
First Wednesday of the Month, usually from 6:30 – 7:45 pm. Please visit the Meetings Page for more details.
Introduce yourself to us!
Regular communication and updates are currently being posted through our Google Group